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NEW Nvidia Shield Update: Experience 9.0 Android 11

Nvidia Shield Pro Android 11

Hello Everyone, and thank you for stopping by our blog, New Nvidia Shield Update: Experience 9.0 Android 11.

We are Devices (D3vicx), and we usually specialize in helping people watch Tv Entertainment for free on a streaming device. Today is going to be a little different in the help we offer.

I know people are beside themselves with this new big problem. I want to get right to the point. People are saying their Plex, Kodi, and other apks have gone down on their Nvidia Shield Tv Pro after updating to Experience 9.0 Android 11. I updated to Android 11 on my Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Tv Pro this past weekend and checked on our Elite System, but nothing went down. Everything we offer on our streaming devices is still up and running with the New Update on Experience 9.0 Android 11.

We have gone through a ton of tests to see where this problem is coming from for others. And the root looks like it is directly from the Google Play Store or the Play Protection that they added to the devices. Our Elite System is downloaded as a third-party apk not available in the Play Store. Even the Kodi that we use on our Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Tv Pro comes from our own third-party app. This could be the reason we are not affected at all.

With Android 11, something called the Hotfix messed up access to Manage External Storage. So you have to signup for it and wait 24 to 48 hours for your device to be reconnected. The link to signup is right here.

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Update August 14th, 2023

You no longer need to deal with the Hotfix. If you want to get Android 11 off your Nvidia Shield Tv Pros, here is the video.

Please note this is if you own a macOS computer. In our YouTube description is a link for Windows users.

We have created a video for everyone titled “How to (remove) rollback Nvidia Shield Update (Android 11, macOS).

Then the second video in that series is “How to Stop Nvidia Shield Update to Android 11.” This is a series for Nvidia Shield Tv Pros, these Videos are on our YouTube Channel.

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Update On Nvidia Shield Pro March 2022

Hey everyone, so I keep running through my style, and I notice only one thing missing. They moved the Play Protection turn-off button. It’s really like MIA in this device now. So this really has my attention now.

Other than that button being moved, everything still works, but why was the button moved or just taken away?

For people who are affected, the best thing I can tell you is to take our Video Class: Jailbreak Android. This will help your devices to get back up and running again.

To be as transparent as possible, at this moment, I can not pinpoint why our Elite System is working, but it does while other people’s systems have failed. I have added photos as proof to this blog so you can see first-hand that everything is working on our Elite System.

Kodi working on Elite System with Android 11 Upgrade

Plex Live Tv working on Elite System with Android 11 Upgrade

So at this moment, head over to our shop and start your Online Course: Jailbreak Android for your device today. If you will like to stay in touch with us here at D3vicx (devices) signup for our Newsletter, which we send out once a month. Until the next blog, Cheers.

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Update on Nvidia Shield Pro September 2022

By this point in our business, we have created a free video on How to Remove Nvidia Shield Update, Android 11.

By doing this, if your device is Jailbreak, it will all be erased. Meaning you would have to Jailbreak the Nvidia Shield all over again. We also posted a few more important videos.

How to stop Nvidia Shield Update & Remove ads from Nvidia Shield Home Screen, +Bonus Features. All these videos are free on our website; no were else at the moment. You will need a few things before starting the videos, please read up on that on the video page.

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Why did you make these videos free?

Because no one else did if you had a macOS laptop. I wanted to fill in that big hole. I was going to post it to YouTube after 1 month of being on our website. But a lot of new copyrighted laws came out on YouTube, and people were getting strikes left and right.

Update: Our Videos are now on YouTube

The better part of the news is we offer a Video Class: Jailbreak Android, to teach you how to load your Nvidia Shield Pro fully. It’s an easy class that shows you step-by-step how to fully load your Nvidia Shield Pro with our Elite System. Which is a customized launcher holding 55 apk’s that work together as one.

We have been at this since 2013. The potential of what you can watch is endless. If you have questions about anything, you can check out our Elite Page or Join our Discord community and ask T. For some amazing exclusive information, sign up for our Newsletter. We send it out every Thursday of the week at 11 am EST.

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Related Post: Nvidia Shield Tv Pro