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Where to Watch American Horror Stories

American Horror Story we all love it to death. How each actor can play a different character each season and have it really feel like a different character altogether. So now rather than watching the whole season about the same storyline, AHS brings you American Horror Stories. Each episode is a different storyline entirely, finally right. And something new, you have new actors in each episode as well. Welcome to the AHS family new actors. Now I love Sarah Paulson but who really knows how long she will be with AHS. It’s 10 seasons now and she wasn’t in AHS: 1984, that’s the only season she missed out on so far. Here’s hoping that will be the only season she ever misses out on.

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Well, I click to see how I can watch American Horror Stories. Don’t worry we have you covered with a Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro or any other Jailbroken Device of your choice. Why the Pro, it has the most GB and top speeds on the market for the best device today. What if I already have a device and don’t know how to load it? Man, you got questions and we got answers, stay tuned we are rolling out our Webinar classes. You can buy the webinar class that matches your device. Now if you don’t see your device, feel free to message us and ask if you are coming out with that series.

Now back to American Horror Stories, for the LGBTQ+ community they came out with something for us in the first two episodes. Funny how they can recycle the same storyline and give it to you differently each time. We remember AHS season 1 with the house, well it’s back again making a strong showing in this one. With a young lesbian adopted by gay Dads who have a dream of turning this house into a money pit. Taking the history of the house and have it became a Bed & Breakfast of Horror. After this, each episode is really different and a little crazier than the next. I would say it’s more thoughtful and I love the fresh new faces and at the same time, I miss the ones I loved seeing.

How will the American Horror Stories hold up to the original? Only time will tell, once you watch it let us here at D3vicx know what you think in the comment box below. I have only watched up to episode 5 so far. But tonight I will be finishing up just in case I need to update this blog.