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Where to Watch Wentworth Season 9

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Where can you watch Wentworth Season 9, the last sentence for Free? Well here with us D3vicx, on a Jailbroken Fully Loaded Google TV because Allie is back and so is Rita! This is a tell-all blog post, heads up! I haven’t been watching much over the last few years since Queen Bea die and Allie was left alone in Season 5 which was heartbreaking. I decided to start watching Wentworth all over again from the beginning of Season 1. At the start of it all, why Bea was in Wentworth to Frankie being the show's biggest draw when it came to Character development. Having her study law while she was locked up and being Top Dog. I must say Frankie is really damn good at the law stuff. Jackies reminds me of a character from the Hit Show Bad Bars, but a little crazier. Boomer is the only prisoner from season 1 that’s still in jail. That is because she did a favor for Liz that cost Boomer her freedom. I love Boomer she is my favorite character throughout, so I do understand why she is still around. Boomer becomes Top Dog due to a vote and that says a lot about how much people have come to just love Booms.

So season 1, Bea Smith comes to Wentworth for trying to kill her husband. He is a really nasty guy who puts Bea through hell, really for no reason. At this time Bea Smith is just a hairdresser and a mother of one, a daughter Debbie that she loves to the moon and back. Bea's focus is on her daughter all the time even well in jail, she wants to let her know it’s ok. Around this time Frankie is Top Dog and she is bringing in drugs. Frankie uses Bea right out of the gate to get drugs into the prison through a visit. Bea has no clue who she is looking for and what is going on half the time due to her main focus is talking to her daughter. Jacks, the real Top Dog that’s up the block uses this against Bea. Jack’s main focus should be on Frankie but she ends up targeting Bea as well. Trying to use Bea against Frankie on one hand and having her son go after Debbie on the other hand. By the end of this season Debbie dies, Bea kills Jacks and gets life and Frankie is standing Top Dog.

Throughout this whole show, it shows you whoever is Top Dog doesn’t stay for long and sometimes ends up dead. Allie was lucky in this case she is the only Top Dog who is still alive besides Lou Kelly. How the hell Kelly stayed alive and got out of jail they haven’t said just yet. Kelly does talk about how hard it is and how it can drive you to death, in a very short conversation with Marie Winter. But here we are season 9 and Lou Kelly is Top Dog once again. Allie is in a wheelchair which sucks and Rita is back in Wentworth. Throughout you do see Allie wear Bea’s red blanket while in the chair this whole time. If you remember back in Season 4 Bea gave up being Top Dog to be happy and to be with Allie. Which was a lovely and short-lived storyline.

Now that Rita is back and Lou has already tried something against her how will this end? And will Allie find out the truth about who really attacked her and put her in that wheelchair for life? Also did Boomer get added time already for doing what Liz asked of her which was not right of Liz to ask. Boomer had a chance of getting out and having a life, she is the only one still in Wentworth since season 1. Also if you missed parts of season 9, Boomer was voted in as Top Dog by the women and gave a great fight sense. I can’t wait to see more of season 9 and how everything unfolds in Wentworth,