Promising Young Woman

Now I know this “Promising Young Woman” movie is from 2020 but everyone needs to know about this one, watch it! This movie sums up Rape Culture for women all around the world. Now I’m gay so a lot of this was jaw-dropping but really is the reason we have Law N Order SUV the TV Show. Even though it is a fictional TV show, I think, what the fuck, this happens to people, yes it does. The part that pissed me off the most (spoiler alert) is the guys who work in construction or just on the street, feel the need to say things out of their mouths to women as they walk past. And when a woman defends herself she is being too serious, it was just a joke man always says. It’s not a joke, no one knows who you are but you want to open your mouth and say inappropriate things.

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Now what makes me write this article is men need to see this as well. Because some guys say they didn’t know things like this happen. How do you not notice that shit like this is happening? You are a guy and at some point, you have been in a locker room where you have “locker room talk”. You know it’s a bad Rape Culture and here in the U.S., it’s BAD for women in college especially. So I skipped college, no really I didn’t go because there was no place for a young gay like myself who wanted my own business, to fit in. And I’ve seen a shit ton of movies where women were rufied.

Yep, I said it, rufie. This movie brings you everything, everything you could think of really. The end did piss me off because it’s so bad and clearly not realistic but it has to end somehow. You can tell a man may have not liked the true ending and had them change it to this shit. But lucky they kept the meat of the movie, the important stuff that matters. I gave this movie a Super Shero thumbs up for everything it brings to light. And at the same time tell your mothers to watch this even your conservative ones.

The ones with conservative Dads, know about this Rape Culture because most likely they have participated in some crazy shit like this. And rather than being a man and stepping in or stepping up, they ran away like little cowards and suppressed this in their minds.

It’s only when it happens to your daughter or wife you notice this Rape Culture. Promising Young Woman brings it all to the surface exposing everyone that’s normally involved in the cover-up. Yep again I said it, the cover-up of a crime that happens. And if you have a lot of money you can have a crime cover-up too. So order your Fully Loaded Jailbroken Device today and watch “Promising Young Woman” and other amazing “Super Shero” movies like this from the comfort of your home.


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