Watch Space Jam: A New Legacy


Space Jam: A New Legacy is here! You saw it right, it was tight! Hold up wait, you didn’t see it yet? Why not? What happened? Oh, how did I see it so fast? Because I have a Jailbroken Fully Loaded Device from D3vicx? Well, I’ve had one from them since 2013 really, I just update to new devices. I have the Nvidia Shield TV Pro now so I’m good for the next 2 years for sure. Yea I’m sure, D3vicx always recommends the best quality, most powerful, and long-lasting devices on the market.

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Oh, yours didn’t last past 6 months, why? You couldn’t get in touch with the seller that sold it to you, yea I hear that happens a lot. Well, I don’t have that problem because D3vicx is always staying in touch with me. They let me know if something is going down and how to replace it with the PDF book on how to keep my device up to date, $25.

I don’t know why they do that, it’s just how they roll. Yea, if you have a device already they can load them for you. Each device's price is a little different because the Elit3 Builds are different for each device. What about the New Apple TV 4K, yea they can do that one for you as well. The good news is you will start saving money right away and you can use the devices anywhere in the world. I know crazy right, I was in Paris and had a Fire Stick 4K with me that I got from them and everything worked great all I needed was WiFi.

Order your device today so you can watch Space Jam: A New Legacy and stop missing all the great movies that are dropping this month.


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