Where to Watch The L Word: Generation Q Season 2

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The L Word came back with a bang with Generation Q. Now coming back August 6th, 2021, The L Word: Generation Q Season 2. That is a mouth full to say let alone type it all out. But for the LGBTQ+ Community, we have something of our own once again that everyone loves. New Story Lines with New Characters, showing gender is a spectrum, not just two options. This is a big look into our community showing our lives and hope is being played by us the True Gays, Lesbians, and Transgenders of the World; You too Bisexuals.

When I first heard about Generation Q, I had a lot of questions and worry due to all these new problems in the world. So I did my research and dove in to see what these other letters are, also it’s now LGBTQ+ for real. What I found out was really cool and it changes the way you see people. Not just as a Woman and a Man, but more of who they are and who they want to be. We have to respect this because OJ did it when he didn’t want to be seen as a Black Man, just OJ and Ali did it when he wanted to be called Muhammad Ali due to religious beliefs.

Now one of the beloved Characters Shane falls into this, she is a woman but has no problem going by Uncle Shane. Hell, even Gay men were after her, she would be called 2 spirited in Native American beliefs. I love the idea of Generation Q showing you love between people and pushing out the other bs of who is a Woman or a Man. Gender is a spectrum just like sexual orientations. Also, it shows how we make mistakes which we all do, and that ok, as long as we learn and grow from them. I’m truly excited about The L Word: Generation Q Season 2 starting with Jenniffer Beals. I saw an old interview with Jennifer Beals, she had a problem with the lady asking kids to step out of the room and go get snacks when they showed a kissing scene between two women. Beals called the interviewer out on that and had a nice discussion of why because America at that time didn’t see it as the norm. It’s Jenniffer Beals talent and professional demander that makes her a star in The L Word if you ask me. Also playing a part of being mix raced on top of that showing the suggests she faces. Here’s hoping her character Bette Porter finds her equal this season from the trailer she may have something with Gigi. Gigi seems like she would be a great match for Bette, someone who can challenge her or just be a nice butty call.

I will be adding more of my thought the closer we get to Sunday, August 6th, 2021 on this subject. Don’t forget to take advantage of the Jailbroken Fully Loaded Google TVs on Sale before it ends so you can have free access to Live Tv & much more!


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