YouTube Problems with Third-Party Apps: Do Social Media Apps have Too Much Power?

Hello Everyone and Thank you for stopping by our blog, Do Social Media Apps Have Too Much Power? We are Devices (D3vicx), and we specialize in customizing and sideloading premium streaming devices to help people watch overpriced TV Entertainment for 100% Free, no matter where you are in the world.

Do these Social Media Platforms have too much power rolling into 2024? That is the important question today. We the people help put these Social Media Platforms and Sites on the map and they can just close your account without notice.

Now, this has happened to us here at D3vicx (devices) dealing with eBay & Etsy selling on their platforms. My business partner is having this same problem with Twitter on her business account that deals with running. Her business is about running and Twitter just closed the business account down, not saying why at all.

And now we wake up to one of the best YouTube channels being removed, Kevin P. This happened in 2021.

I say, these companies must disclose all the information to us the Creators before you can just close our accounts. Or at least have a way to chat with a person over a phone call and not through email taking up to three days to solve an issue.

Kevin’s Channel being removed hurts the most, I’ve been following & watching this guy since 2017. I remember one of his videos when he said, he would love to do YouTube full-time. When the pandemic hit, that door opened up for him to do it full-time. Also, at that time YouTube cut pay to Creators, which is crazy. You cut down pay to the Creators who are putting YouTube on the map. Half the time I go onto YouTube and I can’t find Channels anymore because they were just removed.

When did YouTube start pushing copyright laws?

I remember back in the Fall of 2016 people’s Channels were going down because they talked about Kodi. Kodi is an Open Source program, it’s legal in the eyes of the law and yet YouTubers lost their Channels and their source of income for showing you how this Open Source Media Player works. Apple was behind this to let you know.

This also happened again in the Summer of 2017 to people on Instagram when Facebook took over. It killed the Creator’s ability to make money, they were now fighting against celebrities taking over their income from that platform. This can also be seen happening on TikTok in the winter of 2020 a little before the pandemic.

All these people are putting in this hard work and these shitty ass Big Companies are shutting them down. To every YouTube who reads this, before you start a YouTube about third-party apps get an LLC.

In your LLC state that you give information about Open Source devices. I say this because we here at D3vicx are an LLC with that statement and so is Kodi.

Every device you pick up is an Open Source device, now we the people don’t design the devices clearly. We are just very skilled at using them. This is no different from when back in the day, the cable guy put the chip into the cable box giving you access to all premium channels and pay-per-views for free.

I know the YouTube problem is a little different from the other websites but at the same time, it’s not. This generation is putting these Apps and/or Sites on the map and they don’t have our backs at all anymore.

If eBay has a problem with Jailbroken Firesticks and Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Tv Pro, how about you make Amazon fix that problem on their end? Because if it’s fixed people won’t buy them anymore but Apple is pretty good at stopping it and they still get sales through the roof.

And yet we the people still find ways to sideload apps onto Apple TV devices even if they make us pay $100 once a year for it. Update the $100 fee a year to be an Apple Developer is now down to $25 a year if you get your Jailbroken Apple TV 4K through us. Apple is going to make their money one way or another.

So sorry if you feel we here at D3vicx don’t have enough Social Media accounts to make us look more legit to you. We are legit, and yes it’s safe to place an order with us. PayPal will take your payments even if you don’t have an account and they will protect you against scam websites.

We have no bad marks with PayPal or anyone we ever dealt with because our devices are just that easy to use. You plug in the device and you are good to go, eManuals and Video Manuals are designed to give you a better understanding of what you are using.

Now if you are not a techie type of person, this is not for you. If you are bad at following directions this is also not for you. Our product is not for everyone and we are ok with that fact. I say this because you can’t teach hard-headed people and we can’t turn a negative person positive. If you fall under any of this please try another site.

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What are Jailbroken Devices?

Today in 2024 the word Jailbroken is now Sideloading, meaning you are adding on third-party apps that you won’t find in that device’s App Store. Not all third-party apps are the same. Most likely you are asking about Android Package Kits called APKs.

APKs are normally applications that are being work on and haven’t made it into any App Store just yet. Some APKs are search engines that give you access to paid TV content for free. It’s important to know, that none of these APKs hold copyrighted content. In most states, this is 100% legal, because you can say you can’t control what the search engine as access online.

With the system on the devices we load, we add an AdGuard DNS. The AdGuard has a built-in VPN giving you privacy when you are streaming and blocking ads that would normally come with these APKs. Why do you want the APKs with Ads?

They are mostly likely the original and they will auto-update. A window will pop up telling you, you need to update the APK and you just click install. Not all of the APKs we offer update but they have been working for years and they are not going away any time soon.

These APKs are getting even better will designs to help you the owner understand what you can watch for Free. One of the best APKs on the device covers all Paid Subscription Applications. And they are all click-and-play, no searching for the best link, it just plays in 1080p right away. No debrid is even on this APK which makes life so easy.

Now, each device is a little different due to the software system but our Elite System we load onto the devices for you to use is all the same. I would recommend for maximum performance with no buffing nor lagging the ethernet cable on the Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro or Jailbroken Apple TV 4K. WiFi can be used but let's talk about how only WiFi 2.4GHz is the strongest and travels the farthest.

No need for WiFi 6E, none of the devices are compatible. Only WiFi 6 is compatible with the Jailbroken Apple TV 4K. So why these streaming devices? They are the highest quality and will last anywhere from 3 to 7 years depending on the device you want.

Join our Discord Community

We are working on a YouTube channel, that hopefully won’t get shut down. But for now, we are on Reddit, and Pinterest and started our own Discord community. This was originally started to be an Exclusive Support Group for Jailbroken Device owners, which it still is but it has also turned into something more.

To get to know more about us here at D3vicx, people started jumping on the server to ask us questions directly. Some people even ask other device owners how they feel about there devices that they’ve order from us.

For each device owner, it will be different, mostly because each person has a different device.

This is the best place to be to learn about what you can watch Free on TV. Our devices cover it all, Movies, Series, Anime, Live Sport, and Pay-Per-Views. No paywalls, debrids, or VPNs too. Join the community and chat with like mined streamings just like you.

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Sign Up for our Newsletter to get Free Spotify Premium

So many blogs and YouTube videos out in the world giving you false information on how to get Free Spotify Premium. We want to step up to the test since we know we are the best. Time for you to know it too, sign up and get real Free Spotify Premium too.

Learn more about these amazing Jailbroken Devices and what you can access in our WEEKEND ACTION Saturday Newsletter. Bring you everything in Live Sports, and Pay-Per-Views.

Are you tired of paying inflation prices on this mess too? What doesn't a Pay-Per-View have to do with inflation? Forget that, just hook yourself up with a Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro and stream them all for free like you are on vacation.

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In Conclusion

Be careful when you are own other people’s Social Media platforms. It could wipe you out one day after all the time and hours you put in to help people. This is why we started all our own stuff from scratch this was the only way we were going to meet and help you with that TV Problem you got.

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