Where to Watch King Richard

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Just released Friday, November 19th, 2021, Will Smith's new movie King Richard is only in Theaters. False, I’ve already watched this amazing film at home and it was clear as a beautiful blue sky. A film based on the William Sisters father and the way he trained his girls. From what I saw in the trailer he had dreams for all of his daughters to be all they can be. Most men don't feel this way about their daughters, and sometimes don’t even want daughters. So seeing this was mind-blowing and great to have such a supportive father.

I guess most American people saw Richard as a crazy-ass black guy who was just trying to make money any way possible talking a good game. Overlooking the hard work that he and his family were putting in. Richard wrote it out as a plan and took it, step by step from there. It’s true we in life fail to plan, even if things don’t go according to plan it’s nice to have a road map. And to continue to write it all down to get there.

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Oracene, Richard and the girls (5)

This is one of the best films based on true events, I’ve seen in a while. Will Smith is a talented leader in the black community. When his films drop we all come out to show our support and love. And Richard himself seems to have the most respect for women I’ve ever seen in my life! Richard wanted his daughters to have a childhood unlike a lot of others that they saw in the game. I was shocked at some of the way the young ladies talked to themselves so degrading. Richard was focused on building a positive support system around all of his daughters and giving them a strong belief system in themself as much as he could.

Now let us NEVER forget about the mother, Oracene Price. The reason I want to highlight Oracene is that she gave life to all 5 of these amazing women. Not only that, she trained Serena on her own and I believe that is why Serena is the greatest of all times. The training Serena got was different from Venus and it’s very clearly pointed out. I believed if Venus also trained with her mother when Serena did, she would have that crazy power no one could handle as well. Both Williams Sisters are the same and yet so different due to who they trained with. And the open stance was Oracene Price's idea.

I loved this film so much I already have it downloaded and added it to my Plex collection. Well, give me a second to explain how you can watch this movie as well. Take our Online Course and D3vicx will walk you through how to unlock your device and load our Elite System onto the device. Jailbreak for Android, Jailbreak for Firestick & Jailbreak for Apple Tv, pick your software system. Gives you the power to watch movies from all over the world and download them onto your device. This cuts out you having to wait on a device from someone you don’t know. It’s a clear walkthrough course that can be completed in 30 minutes or less. And have you watching free content right away. No more searching the internet, and no more monthly fees for cable or subscriptions. So what are you waiting for, head over to our shop and start your course today.


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