Where to Watch Professor Marston and The Wonder Women

I’ve been waiting to blog about this movie until I got a little bit more information. And now that I have, the one thing that stands out is the title. It’s long and the last part is Women, not Woman, meaning more than one lady. Coming up as a kid I saw a few shows that tried to show relationships like this, with three equal parties. It didn’t bother me then and it’s not going to bother me now. To have an open mind is to see the truth for what it is, not what you want it to be. Now on to this film, it was fucking amazing! The real timeline is all over the place but the meat of the story is there.

Wonder Woman is based on three women if you ask me not just the two in this film. But here we are again with another man thinking women should rule this world. In this blog, it’s a ton of giveaways, sorry. If you want to watch this film and many more like this, check out our Online Courses for unlocking your devices and loading them up with our Elite System. You will have access to this film for sure and you can download it to save in your Plex or device directly, with our Opulence training. I know that’s a lot of information about the tech part but the courses are straight to the point on how to watch this film for free.

Back to my thoughts on this amazing film. Wonder Woman had a catchphrase “Suffering Sappho”. Sappho of Lesbo is a female poet who wrote about her love for other women. So what did this mean for Wonder Woman herself, did she sleep with other women? It looks that way from the original comics back in 1941 to 1947. One can say that Wonder Woman is a lesbian, bisexual, or even sexually fluid. With this information I found out makes the Wonder Woman movies from 2017 and 2020 incomplete. These Hollywood films leave out so much to who Diana (Wonder Woman) really is. The creator, Professor Marston gave Wonder Woman these amazing powers that are cut out of the movies completely as well. The Lasso wasn’t just about truth but she could control you with it, we don’t see that. Wonder Woman is cut down to half of her greatness with these bullshit Hollywood views of who she really is and how the creator wanted her to be seen. And I respect the hell out of that, Professor Marston was a feminist himself and that’s why he created Wonder Woman.

Learning about the nature of how the US society keeps trying to erase history is crazy. “You don't know the truth about your race 'cause they erasin' it”, Dave. Now Dave is talking about being black, not really sexual orientation but it’s the same to me. I’m mixed race and gay so I can use this as an explanation. I want to see them make a real film about Wonder Woman. How she likes women and gives her the power to control people with that damn Lasso. Gal Gadot who is playing Wonder Woman is open to playing her as bisexual in the film if they make it. And I know in some of the movies she had a body double, for when Flash was on top of Wonder Woman to save her, which sicken Gadot. And I don’t blame her, as time went on after Professor Marston's death and shortly after the death of M.C. Gains, the real Wonder Woman was tarnished. Gal Gadot looks likes she would be open to playing the Wonder Woman that’s in the 1941 to 1947 comics.

This is the History that they hide from us every day, trying to put women down and in a box. I think this film Professor Marston and The Wonder Women is for free thinkers and people who hold no judgment towards other’s relationships. And I’m happy Professor Marston wrote this comic for the women he loved and thought to be “The Perfect Woman, Wonder Woman.” Now until we can get someone in Hollywood to make the real film about Wonder Woman, the film about her creators will do.


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