Where to Watch Superstore

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Where to watch Superstore?

Superstore is a sitcom based in my hometown of St. Louis and it follows the lives of locals who work in a fictitious big box chain store called Cloud 9 (think Wal-Mart meets Amazon). The show is really funny and includes a collection of offbeat characters that come from all different backgrounds — from Cheyenne the fun-loving and hip teenage mom (played by Nichole Sakura) to Mateo (played by Noci Santos) the Mean Girls-ish self-promoting employee and Dina the survivalist manager with a knack for surveillance and police work.

As someone who is from St. Louis, I was worried the show would portray a stereotype of slow, simple Midwestern people. But it in fact has a very colorful, diverse cast with many different personalities and a wide range of views on everything from politics to religion. The show’s characters range from the very religious, well-meaning but many times misguided older manager Glen (Mark McKinney) to Amy (played by America Ferrera), one of the main characters, a modern Latina woman struggling to juggle relationships and kids while climbing the corporate ladder. Jonah (Ben Feldman) is another main character whose progressive and sometimes self-righteous beliefs become a common joke among his co-workers, but as the show develops, we see Jonah has life struggles despite his perfectionist demeanor.

As with many jobs, the employees on the show also make fun of their boss, Glen, who they say has a “muppet voice” and indeed has a funny, high-pitched tone to his voice. It is all in good fun though, as the characters often laugh — and sometimes cry — together as they bond over their long work hours, low pay, and crazy customers.

I have to say my favorite character is the very strong, quirky and domineering personality of Dina, who is played by Canadian actress Lauren Ash. Dina has such strong and often seemingly random beliefs about everything from pet birds to security tactics and sexuality, and she is very outspoken about her views. Her comedic timing is hilarious and she really makes the show even funnier.

I usually do not have the attention span to watch a lot of TV at once but the short episodes (around 25 minutes per episode) and the hilarious one-liners and storylines in Superstore had me hooked. I watched Superstore all 6 seasons in about two weeks, which is a record for me.

The original premise about people stuck at a crappy retail job in my hometown got me hooked but the great acting, hilarious scenes, and strong cast of characters kept me watching. If you’re ever worked in a dead-end job, you will be able to relate to this show all too well. And the characters make you feel better as you realize most of us end up in crappy jobs at some point in life, and it’s ok. As with many jobs, the people can make or break it and the characters in Superstore make the workplace more human, more fun, and really funny.

Watching Superstore is like watching the retail version of “The Office” but even funnier, in my opinion.

Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of serious storylines in Superstore — from the struggles of working moms, low-paying work, sexism in the workplace, and the challenges immigrants face when trying to get employment. The characters show these and many more issues that people face when working in America — from not being able to afford going to the doctor to figuring out how to date a co-worker. And it’s all very relatable, with plenty of humor laced in. Even in the darkest times — such as layoffs or natural disasters — the characters maintain a strong spirit and still find joy in life.

The character of Carol is one of the standout performances too, as Carol (played by Irene White), an average looking middle-aged white woman, takes obsession, stalking and harassment to a whole new level in her quest for love. One of her victims, Sandra (played by Kaliko Kauahi), is also really funny and we’ve all had a Sandra at our jobs. She’s the meek “yes” woman who never stands up for herself. But she has more to her than what you first expect and her burst of anger, and her wild romance show she’s not just a one-dimensional doormat.

If you’re looking for something funny to watch to reminisce about simpler days, or for a break from the seriousness of the news, I highly recommend Superstore. Even if you’re not from St. Louis, you will enjoy this funny show and will fall in love with the quirky characters. And you will never look at a trip to Wal-Mart or your local chain store the same way once you watch this show.

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Marnie Kunz

Marnie Kunz is a writer and dog lover based in Brooklyn, NY. She is a running coach and certified trainer.


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