Jailbreaking an Apple TV in 2024, things you don’t know.


Jailbroken Apple TV 4K with video manual QR sticker

Hello everyone and thank you for stopping by our blog, Jailbreaking an Apple TV in 2024, things you don’t know. I want to say first, you are here for a reason. You asked a question and came across us. These things happen for a reason, trust the process.

Right off the top, I want to get right into the most asked questions we get in our email box or message to us on Discord.

First, I want to say we know how you feel.

Back in 2016 when first jailbreaking an Apple TV, it was so easy. You paid $100 for your Apple developer account and you used Xcode along with iOS app signer and Impactor. You could easily download the Kodi and Popcorn Time IPAs for Apple TV.

Yes, there are different IPAs, ones for your phone and iPad, and then you have special IPAs just for your Apple TV. Pay close attention to that little detail, you will need it later on if you do this on your own.

We get asked so many questions so we are going to go over this in each section below. These are the things you want to know, so we are here for you the best way we can be. Remember we can’t see what you see and we have no clue what Apple TV you are using in 2024. At this point, we don’t even know the models anymore, we just remember the year each Apple TV came out.

On top of that, the 2022 Apple TV 4K has no ports in the back. So a ton of the older ways will not work for you when trying to jailbreak the 2022 Apple TV 4K models. Did Apple do this for the reason of stopping people from jailbreaking the device so easily? Could be but we never know with them.

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Why is it so hard to jailbreak an Apple TV in 2024?


Your new Jailbroken Apple TV 4K home screen

Yes, why is it so hard to jailbreak an Apple TV 4K in 2024? The problem is that its just so many ways of doing it. When we first started jailbreaking Apple TVs 8 years ago we used Xcode with iOS app signer and impactor.

This was the best way to sign the IPAs and install them onto the devices.

Back then you had to do this every 7 days until someone let us know just pay for the Apple developer account which was $100 and we would be good for the year. Once we got that part down we were up and in business but no one wanted the Jailbroken Apple TVs back in 2016. Everyone wanted to get their hands on a Jailbroken Firestick so the art of jailbreaking an Apple TV with Xcode, iOS app signer, and impactor was lost.

No joke, I saved the video on YouTube of how to do it that way using these three methods together and the video is now unavailable. I just watched that same video last year just to see if you can still load the Apple TV that way. The problem we ran into was an issue with impactor. Can’t really remember what the issue was off the top of my head but Impactor didn’t work anymore for us.

I do say, try it out yourself, you never know until you try.

Nowadays people are using third-party places to get their UDID signed, I believe that is what it said. You need to wait 72 hours for this to work, the problem with this is that one day it works and the next day Apple has unsigned your UDID. Then I see all kinds of crazy stuff on Reddit about places selling your information to third-party xzy. Yea, I wasn’t sure what that meant, to me .xzy is the ending of a website.

If I was to count on both of my hands, how many ways you can jailbreak or sideload an Apple TV in 2024 I would run out of fingers so fast.

My issue is that when I posted a video on YouTube about this, we got flagged and YouTube wouldn’t even put our video on the platform.

We are new to YouTube and we already have 2 strikes for using the words Jailbreaking Apple TV or Jailbroken Apple TV in the title of our videos. It could be that we were really showing people how to do it. But we took the video down and turned it into a Video Class for now that you can ask about.

Some of the ways you can load today still make you reload the device every 7 days. You can easily pay for the Apple developers’ fee of $100 and have your Apple TV going for a full year.

Don’t worry our Elite System is better.

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Should I go onto Reddit to learn to jailbreak my Apple TV 4K?

No! Don’t go onto Reddit it’s so many trolls and know-it-alls who know nothing about this subject on that site. I like Reddit, but I don’t go up there asking questions I need a pro to answer. Because when you run into an issue, who are you going to ask then?

Clearly, you can ask them but will they have an answer for you is the question. I stay away from people who are not professional in the subject I’m looking for. Why is it that when people have a question they just ask anybody?

You may want to seek out a profession in that line of work. Cause if you're going to let what you do be based upon what you hear and read, you better make certain the people who are giving you the advice are getting PHENOMENAL RESULTS! 

We can tell you that right now. We’re getting PHENOMENAL RESULTS with these devices!

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How do you guys jailbreak your Apple TVs with no problems?


We have all started here!

How do we jailbreak Apple TVs without problems? We wouldn’t say it’s without problems. Every person doing this will run into a problem, like forgetting how to do it if you don’t do it enough times or if you don’t record what it is that you are doing.

These were some of our earlier problems when jailbreaking Apple TVs. Now that we have our Elite System that we put on each and every device we offer it’s much easier to remember.

Once you figure out how you want to jailbreak, sideload, or whatever your kids are calling it these days make sure you record yourself so you can double back on it. The way we did it back in 2016 was amazing and I would love to load that way again but I just can’t remember off the top of my head how it was done. I remember how to use Xcode with the iOS app signer but where did impactor come into play with all of this?

Remember to record what it is that you are doing. When you do it enough, you can then start to think about how can create your own system around this and make it better throughout time.

Using the Apple TV 4K a lot is how you can solve problems other people will run into as well. I’m telling you, if it happened to you on the Apple TV 4K, it’s going to happen to someone else. The best way to make it look like you have no problems is to record the problems and the solution to the problem.

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Can you teach me to jailbreak my Apple TV or do you only sell already Jailbroken Apple TVs?


Jailbreaking Apple TV 4K yourself

We do both, we can teach you but it’s going to be very limited. We are not going to teach you have to load three Kodi’s. It’s a lot for us to do all three, I can only imagine you going crazy to do all three.

We do offer a Video Class: Jailbreak Apple TV but if you are not jailbreaking two or more Apple TVs it may be too much. The price of the video class increases as the devices increase to even everything out.

How does that work? Well, us doing it for you, with your buying an already Jailbroken Apple TV 4K from us comes at a discount because you are willing to wait for the device. In the Video Class, you get the same result but much faster and a few bonuses so the price on that demand is going to be higher.

The bonus is to jailbreak as many Apple TVs as you own and add them onto our iPhone and iPad. Please note, that for each Apple TV, you must pay for $25 developer fee.

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Which is better a Jailbroken Apple TV 4K or Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro in 2024?


Which device is right for your life style?

We get asked this question all the time and my answer is always the same. The streaming device that fits your life is the better one for you. Why do I say it like that?

Most people want to stay in the ecosystem and hook their iPhones up to the Jailbroken Apple TV 4K. Which is cool, I don’t know what you are going to do but hey, do you. Most people who get the Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro are free thinkers and they own maybe one Apple device.

I own only one Apple device and the rest are Androids hands down. Why? I like having a MacBook Pro, what can I say? But my phone is Samsung, and my TV, headphones, and my surround sound are all Sony. My tablet is Samsung, hands down the best decision ever.

Get the device that matches you the most.

If you want to base it on what device gets the most content, hands down the Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro will win each and everytime. The Nvidia Shield TV Pro is an open-source device still and has been for a long time. There are just so many APKs in the world and most likely when people are working on a new App they start on Android and then move over to iOS. Then you have the few that just do iOS but the IPAs are very limited and sometimes can be a pain in the butt to deal with.

There is a little glitch in the 2020 Apple TV models, when Apple TV updates the tvOS system it can cause an issue for some Jailbroken Apple TV 4K to be reloaded. Why is this? We have not found out the answer just yet.

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So if you have an iPhone, I can’t really offer you anything in return for your email at this point in time. But I can tell you if you pick up a Jailbroken Apple TV 4K from us that you can load this same system onto your iPhone.


We have a video that shows you how on the video manual page. Please know, for each device on your account its $25 a year. So why is this important? Android users can easily fully load their phones and so can iPhones without jailbreaking but it involves our Elite System.

Want to learn more about us D3vicx and what you can watch on your streaming devices and handheld devices sign up for our newsletter. Maybe we can help you download a adblocker to your web browser to block out YouTube. We have a ton of tricks up our sheleves, come and find out.

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Join our Community

Welcome to our Discord, one of the best ways to get in touch with us directly. I know when things go wrong it’s best to message or chat with a person and not a bot. This is why we created the Discord, for buyers to have a place to go just in case.

Now Discord has grown on its own. People drop by to ask other Jailbroken device owners questions which is cool. Get an insight on a product from someone that is using it all the time.

Then we have our exclusive support tech group for device owners. When things go wrong we like to let you know right away, rather than you reading about it in our newsletter.

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In Conclusion


The best build for the Jailbroken Apple TV 4K in 2024

I’m sorry there is not a sample answer to this topic. I will say if you are reloading your device every 7 days please stop.

You shouldn’t be doing that it’s a complete waste of your time. With your new Jailbroken Apple TV 4K from us, none of that is needed. The device comes ready to play right out of the box.

Keep your Apple developer account up to date for $25 a year and the Apple TV will run uninterrupted. The bonus is that you can put this same system onto your iPhone. With the Apple developer account it’s $25 a year per device.

We are so excited about the newest build we are not running on Kodi 21. This new build covers so much more when it comes to Live International TV Channels. The bonus is now you can stream free music on MP3 stream. A build like this was a long time coming since GAME ON went down back in April 2024.

This build covers Live premium cable channels along with Live Sports channels and still PPVs with another bonus of instant replays if you miss a sports event Live. This is great if you plan on watching the Olympics and want to rewatch something.

Want to know more about how we can help you with the pain of dealing with an Apple TV? Check out our Jailbroken Apple TV 4K funnel. You never know what gifts you may get in there.

Please know our devices and services are not for everyone and that is ok. Good luck to you on your Jailbreaking Apple TV journey.

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Related Post: Jailbroken Apple TV 4K: Unlock Endless TV Entertainment


Say Goodbye to Streaming Hassles: Pick Up a Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro in 2024!


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